Saturday, November 6, 2010

Gooch Acting Like a Dude

ROME -- AC Milan teammates Zlatan Ibrahimovic and Oguchi Onyewu brawled during a training match Friday. Team vice president Adriano Galliani, speaking with SkySport24 TV, described the fight as "very lively" but said both players have resolved their differences. He didn't say what sparked the brawl. Italy's Gazzetta dello Sport newspaper, however, reported things got heated after Onweyu reacted to a reckless tackle from Ibrahimovic by choking the Milan forward. The U.S. defender and the Swedish forward then came to blows during the scrimmage and had to be separated by teammates and Milan staff, according to the Italian news agency ANSA.

How fucking dumb do you have to be to fight Oguchi Onyewu? I don't care if you've never even seen the guy, just the name alone should tell you to back off.  You tell me some sally named Zlatan wants to throw down and I'll be all over it. But then if you go and say a player named Oguchi wants a piece? All bets are off. That's an American man with African warrior blood in him and if we've learned anything from history, you don' fuck with American men who have that African warrior blood. It's why slave rebellions were so terrifying. Back to the real story. Does this even count as a fight? Ibrahimovic slide tackles Guch so he turns around and chokes the motherfucker and the games goes on? Kind of awesome. I wish that happened in real life.

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