Thursday, June 2, 2011

Old But New Segment: I Smash People On Facebook. All Ages Included. Watch That Ass, Dibella

You're pregnant. Deal with it(if you know what I'm saying. It rhymes with smushmortion).

Solid advice. Seriously. I'm almost positive I'd be serving 15-25 years for domestic abuse if I was married. Bitches had it coming though, right? If you don't like the salad then just tell me. Don't sit there with some smug look on your face like some prestigious prick who never had a mediocre salad.

Not your oldest brother. I know that for a fact.

Greatest status update ever? America, baby. Tfarms is a good dude. Always has been, always will be. Probably doesn't even belong in this post but I felt it necessary to not be a complete jackass. Don't bust balls.

You want the kid then I'll give you the kid. You wanna get crazy then I'll get fucking crazy. Let's chat the shit out of this bitch!

But you still had enough energy to go on facebook? So is this like equivalent to a headache for everyone else? I may not know but much but I know I wouldn't post status' if you told me I'd be in the most pain I'd ever been in in my entire life. Also, I think a good way to put pain into perspective is to just think about you coming out of your mom's vagina. Nothing gives me the heebie jeebies more than that.

 Uhhhhhh whoa. Too heavy. I can't even touch that. Hope you find your dad. And I hope he's Caucasian.

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