Wednesday, December 2, 2009


A tiny and desperately poor fishing village has one fascinating draw for tourists -- lightning storms light up the sky more than 160 nights each year.Dubbed the Catatumbo Lightning, the weather phenomenon has no known cause. Scientists theorize that it could be caused by wind blowing off the Andes mountains or high levels of methane gas in the area.A meteorologist with the Venezuelan National Air Force said the frequency of the storms isn't the only oddity."The Catatumbo Lightning is over 90 percent cloud-to-cloud lightning," said meteorologist Ramon Velasquez.He said the storms can last all night.

How have these people not tried time travel yet? Call Doc Brown immediatly. Get Marty McFly on the horn. Where we're going, we don't need roads.

P.S.Can I dance to Earth Angel at my wedding? I fucking wish it was the 80's again.

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