Wednesday, December 2, 2009

This is The Last and Probably Best Tiger Woods Post.

Tiger Woods had to know one of the world's greatest truths—girls talk. In an exclusive on-camera interview, a former friend of the golf star's latest lady pal shares all she knows of VH1 star Jaimee Grubbs' trysts with the sports icon. "It seemed like she genuinely had feelings for him," the 24-year-old San Diego cocktail waitress's friend reveals to E! News. "It seemed like it had every element of a relationship. She mentioned they watched movies, played video games." Some of those feelings, however, were downright dirty. "She read a couple [of his text messages] to us and she showed us a couple," the friend says. "I don't know the exact wording but they were definitely X-rated." Grubbs' former friend went on to share how the Tiger and the Tool Academy reject got together, how they were in the sack and how her friend dealt with that whole married thing. "She said she was at a club in Vegas when one of the VIP hosts pulled her at his VIP table," the friend recalls of Jaimee's meet-cute story. "He tapped her on the shoulder and said something like, 'Are you having fun?' or 'You're not having enough fun' or something along those lines." As lame as those pickup lines may be, they seemed to work on the wannabe model-actress. "I think she went home with him that night to his hotel room," the friend said.

First off let me say that I don't buy this bullshit story for a second. This little bitch is just trying to get her 15 seconds of fame because she knows the slut who got tea bagged by the #1 golfer/womanizer in the world. With that being said, it doesn't stop me from loving this story. "You don't look like you're having any fun" apparently gets chicks in the sack. I'll be sure to pull that out of my bag of tricks next time I feel like an insecure asshole with a beautiful wife. It's obvious that women love a man in power. Why do you think the hunnies start flocking together once they hear that the founder of Ogling Ed Hochuli might be stopping by a party for a late night beer with the boys? I'm just trying to play a couple rounds of land mines and you're trying to blow me up like Hiroshima. Anyway. Her and Tiger liked to watch movies and play video games? If she knows how to cook and cut hair then I might say she's the real deal. The only downfall might be that she likes to talk but that's how the story goes with all bitches. Tiger wouldn't know that because while everyone else his age was experimenting with their genitals, he was being a dork at Stanford who committed his life to playing with putters and white balls. This is the last post dedicated to Tiger unless something sensational happens. Like his wife takes a sand wedge to his face or something and ends up having to pay her 7 figures just to stay married to him. Oh. Wait.

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