Saturday, December 12, 2009

Tiger Is Taking a Timeout

They say the sport of golf is in peril because the world's greatest athlete is leaving the game for an indefinite amount of time. Fine. I don't doubt that. Is Tiger Woods really one of the greatest athletes? He's a great golfer. Extremely talented at that. Probably the best ever. But is he an athlete in the sense of what we portray a Lebron or a Michael Vick or Derek Jeter? Even Andy Roddick(fucking love andy roddick btw) is a better athlete than Tiger. I'm not saying golf isn't a sport because it is but I don't think golfers should be classified as athletes. Unless Tiger can run a 4.4 40, jump out of the gym and throw a baseball with some spit then I say no. It's like just because these clowns get paid tons of money and play some pussy sport we call them athletic marvels or something. Sorry but I wouldn't say guys like Sellberg or Charlie Niland were the best athletes at my high school. Best golfers, yes. They wanna go 1 on 1 with me on the hard wood I think we know who is coming out on top. And I'm not picking on golfers because I don't think the majority of track guys are athletes either. Sprinters are obviously athletically gifted. Those guys are a different breed. Just complete freaks. But you're trying to tell me some skinny bitch who can run a 4 minute mile can run, jump, lift, and fuck with the best of us? Get real.

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