Thursday, December 10, 2009

This Is Why Jurassic Park Gives Me The Shivers

Organizers of the Mexican tour of the "Walking With Dinosaurs" show say someone has walked off with a robotic baby Plateosaurus. Spokeswoman Karla Arrollo says the 5-foot, remote-controlled dinosaur worth $25,000 disappeared after Friday's performance. Police say they are investigating the alleged theft. Arrollo says the show -- which features 10 species of large, mechanized dinosaurs lumbering across an arena stage -- will continue touring.

Everyone wanted to jump down Mexico's throat with the whole Swine Flu outbreak and that drug trade business but I kept quiet. This is why we need Mexico. I can't think of anything more terrifying than a 5 foot robotic dinosaur. I mean besides teen pregnancy, ball cancer and Dick Cheney naked. But I just wanna know when this show is coming to the states because I'll be the first in line. It's a known fact that I was a dinosaur fanatic in my younger days. Just stop and think about something. How fucking cool were dinosaurs? Honestly. You could spend a whole day just thinking about what life would be like if a god damn stegasaurus was hanging out in your basement. What was my favorite? Albetosaurus. Without question. They never got the respect they deserved as cold blooded(cause they were actually cold blooded. bahahahahaha) killers. Probably because they were from Canada.

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