Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Tiger Voted Athlete Of The Decade

Even after a shocking sex scandal that tarnished Tiger Woods, it was tough to ignore what he achieved on the golf course. He won 64 times around the world, including 12 majors, and hoisted a trophy on every continent golf is played. He lost only one time with the lead going into the final round. His 56 PGA Tour victories in one incomparable decade were more than anyone except four of golf's greatest players won in their careers.

Nobody ever said he was husband of the decade, I guess. But golfers aren't athletes. That's really the only problem I have with this. I'd give it to Roger Federer. Tennis is no fucking joke. Trust me. Many times I've tried to keep focused and it always ends with a home run derby of knocking tennis balls over the fence. You don't see 84 year old fat women playing tennis and actually playing decent. But golf? Half of the population of Florida does that. And yes, Sellberg(daily sellberg jab) is included.

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