Thursday, December 17, 2009

Man Chokes Out Bobcat

A man who strangled to death an attacking bobcat said Wednesday he's seen his share of those animals near his quiet, secluded home, reported KPHO-TV in Phoenix.James Gruver, 61, lives about 10 miles north of Lake Pleasant, Ariz. He said the growling cat hiding under his trailer Monday afternoon was unlike any he'd ever seen."I bent down and looked under the trailer, and right there about 5 feet from me, was this bobcat," Gruver said.A second later, the cat lunged."I didn't even have time to snap my fingers, it happened so quick," Gruver said. "He was on me."The outdoorsman, who stands 6 feet 8 inches tall, was knocked to the ground. A wrestling match that Gruver said he will never forget was soon under way."I reached over and I grabbed it around the neck because I didn't want it to bite me," Gruver said. "I just kept a death grip on it because I realized when I was down on the ground, this is getting real serious."

Yeah? When you realized you were down on the ground is when things got real serious? Really? Must've been all fun and games when you heard the bobcat growling at you from under the trailer. Regardless, Gruver is someone I want on my side at all times. Only bobcat I've ever tangled with are those of Quinnipiac University and even I was no match for the heat being thrown over my plate. You gotta keep your head on a swivel in that hostile environment. They'll just jump right up and bite your head off at a drop of a hat. So when I heard that a man choked out a bobcat, you could see why I was so intrigued. Thought the Dana English dorms were up in flames or something.

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