Monday, December 7, 2009

Creepy Guidance Counselor Gives Creepy Speech

HONOLULU -- Lori Shimoda's sixth grader was in class the day parents said a guidance counselor give a sexually explicit and inappropriate lecture, KITV in Honolulu reported. "This was not sex education. This was just really off the grid," said Shimoda, who is the president of the Parent Teacher Organization at Moanalua Elementary School. Shimoda's son told her the counselor explained bullying to the students but the topic quickly turned. "Then he mentioned that they started talking about sexually bullying, and I said, 'What kind?' and he started deflecting my questions," Shimoda said. Shimoda said she was alarmed and immediately contacted other sixth grade parents. Through a number of conversations, she discovered what she called the disturbing news. "She spoke about sex toys and replicas and anal and oral sex, and she described pornography, Playboy, and how people will go to other countries and rape children and then kill them," Shimoda said.

I'm a big advocate for the shock and awe treatment. Can't you just see this as something Pat Howley would do? Bless his heart but the guy took awkward to another level. I bet if this guidance counselor gave the same speech in the south, we wouldn't have as many dumb hicks on shows like 16 and pregnant. Did I say hicks? I meant dumb whores. You think a 12 year old wants to hear about getting raped and killed if he engages in sexual activities? Something tells me that at the next get together when Amanda wants to take Scotty Boucher into the closet for a little slap and tickle, he might think twice. Like a switch will off or something that says, "wait a minute. I might get raped. I don't really feel like dying yet. The only boobs I've seen are from when I got a little sneak peek of Sellberg undressing." Just something to think about.

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