Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Hey Boston, Wake The Fuck Up

The Yankees are about to make a three-team deal with the Diamondbacks and Tigers that would get them center fielder Curtis Granderson. The Yankees would give up OF prospect Austin Jackson along with pitchers Ian Kennedy and Phil Coke. Granderson struggles against lefties and had a meager .327 OBP last season. But he's young (29 on Opening Day 2010), under control (three years and $23.75 million left on his deal) and is a clear upgrade over Melky Cabrera/Brett Gardner. Granderson is a premium defensive CF. Jackson is a solid player without a lot of pop but has a bright future given his athleticism and improving skills at the plate. Kennedy and Coke would not be significant losses given the pitching depth the Yankees have. Detroit is also moving Edwin Jackson in the deal. Removing Granderson and Jackson should give them the payroll flexibility to retain Miguel Cabrera. So forget that idea. Theo Epstein has said time after time that he will not make moves in reaction to what the Yankees do and that's a wise course of action. But this move by the Yankees will only increase calls that he does something.

Let's not beat around the bush on this one. This is why the Yankees are who they are. 1 day into these pointless winter meetings and they're making moves to improve themselves. They just go out and fill whatever need they have to. It's fucking ruthless and it works and it pisses me off because we're always 1 step behind them. By keeping our thumbs up our asses we just lost the Cabrera deal. My biggest fear is that Theo thinks he doesn't have to take the extra move to seal a deal. Like he's going to let Bay walk because he thinks that Bay will sign for less money with the shot of winning a ring in Boston. He's got this Bill Belichick-esque ego because they both have a couple championships and they did it their own way. He'd rather sign guys like Smoltz and Penny because if it works out then he looks fucking brilliant. I have faith that Bucholz and Dice-k can get it done at the bottom of the rotation but a part of me wants some insurance. I want some bats in the lineup. I can't go through another season of watching Lowell limp around the bases like the old piece of shit that he is and I don't wanna be relying on Ortiz to have a rebound type season next year. I wanna know we can get it done, not hope. At the end of the day the Yankees have no worries in their line-up. I just miss that feeling. I haven't felt that way since Manny left and that was about the same time that Theo became this GM with balls of steel or something. Whatever.

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