Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Snooks Came To Fight

Snooki is an "embarrassment to the human race" -- at least according to one pissed off group of Italian-Americans. It's the latest insult in a furious back-and-forth between the "Jersey Shore" star and UNICO -- the Italian American organization pressuring sponsors to bail from the MTV show. Snooki had lashed out at the group during an interview with Steppin' Out magazine, saying "I just have one thing to say to Domino's, Dell, UNICO and all the other haters out there ... F**K YOU! If you don't want to watch, don't watch. Just shut the hell up! I'm serious. F**K YOU!" Re-enter UNICO, who proclaimed, "She is not an embarrassment to Italian Americans -- she is actually an embarrassment to the entire human race!!!!"

Poor Snickers. Or snookers. Or snooki. I can't really say she's helping her self with that foul mouth response. I guess she fucking brought the noise by doing an interview with a magazine called Steppin' Out. But trust me baby girl, you can't fight fire with fire or else you'll all get burned. Anyway. I don't really get all these Italian groups coming out and saying how the show is an insult to all Italian Americans. Don't just look at these 8 kids. I think everyone knows a few Italian juice heads who act the same way. So don't hate on guys like Ronnie and The Situation, maybe do a better job at raising your kids and you can get rid of that negative stereotype that has haunted your people for so long.

P.S. How did Dell get pushed into this mess? Without them, this blog isn't possible.

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