Tuesday, December 15, 2009

So Fresh and So Clean, Clean

A 25-year-old man suspected of breaking into an east Texas house is jailed after police found him taking a bath in the house. The incident happened about 3:30 a.m. Sunday in a blue-collar neighborhood of northwest Tyler. Police Sgt. Matthew Smyser said a resident called to report that a man had kicked in the front door of the house. While en route, officers were advised the resident had left the house but the intruder remained inside. Officers entered the house to find the man had stripped and was taking a bath. After a brief struggle, the man was arrested and booked into the Smith County Jail.

No blood, no foul as far as I'm concerned. I don't think there is anything worse than having bath time interrupted. It's gotta be under the 5 times in my life in which no one better fucking bother me. Right there with when I'm writing a blog post, watching One Tree Hill, cutting my toe nails, and most of all, bringing the thunder. Anyway. I'm curious to see what this "brief struggle" looked like. Poor guy probably just wanted to finish his duty then he'd be on his way. I guess I don't see the crime in trying to say clean. It's like he's doing everyone else a favor.

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