Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Airing Of Grievances

It's the week of festivus and the year is coming to a close. I GOT A LOT OF PROBLEMS WITH YOU PEOPLE AND NOW YOU'RE GONNA HEAR ABOUT IT!

Mike Orefice - see you on the ice in about 2 hours. Xmas was yesterday and let's just say that Santa brought me a new work ethic.

Pregnancy tests- I'm sick of the commercials always putting pregnancy tests in a positive light. How many times have you seen chicks skipping down the aisle with a smile on their face with 4 tests in their hands? Never. How many times have you seen a stressed out guy, rubbing the back of his neck, and breathing heavily? That's an expecting father.

Lady GaGa- What the fuck? Just stop. You're a fucked up sex addict with an awful sense of fashion. We get it.

Lil' Wayne- He likes pussy, weed and sipping syrup? Really? I had no idea. He might need to put out 5 more mixtapes with every song being about the same thing before it finally hits me. My advice: sit the next few plays out bro.

Vegetarians-My family built this country with their bare hands on nothing but meat and braun and you're gonna go out and say meat is bad for you or some shit? Stop being such a vagina.

Low Level QB's as High Level Analysts- Trent Dilfer, The hassleback brother, Jesse Palmer. Kirk Herbstreit is the only exception just because he's phenomenal at his job and he has very kind eyes. But I don't know where the other guys get off on calling out Tom Brady, Aaron Rodgers or even Trent Edwards. That would be like any other blogger in this area creating a post about how much of an ego-centric asshole I am. They're all just jealous.

Inconsiderate people- I know, I know. How can I say inconsiderate people piss me off when I am one of them. I'm really not. What kind of asshole doesn't say thanks when you hold a door for them? Or wave when you allow them to go at an intersection? It's just fucked up. I'm not the friendliest person and I'm a little anxious in crowds of people but I always greet a store employee with a "hey how's it goin?" Shit, I even do that to cops when they pull me over.

People who say that the RBI is an overrated stat- I still don't understand that. It's like the purest form of offensive production. the ball you hit, scored a runner. How is that not important?

The Lebron Vs. Kobe Debate- I've been saying it all year. The Lakers are not that good. You saw them play the Cavs yesterday, at home, and it was fucking ugly. The NBA wants them to play in the finals so bad and for what? So we can watch lopsided victories after they hype the Kobe, Lebron match up. They don't even guard each other. I'm not just saying this because I bleed green but the Celtics are the only power house in the league. They walked into Orlando and beat the living shit out of the Magic for about 42 minutes without the leading scorer and team captain. The Lakers can't do that without Kobe. The Cavs don't even score 60 without Lebron. The NBA is better off marketing the team concept rather than the player.

Texting with dudes - Ehhhhh kinda gay. I mean making plans is fine but anything more than that is a little fruity in my book.

People who don't cap your pens or markers - That might be the biggest asshole move of all time. What kind of dick doesn't put the damn cap back on?

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