Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Stay Or Leave. I Don't Care

One day after a source familiar with the Notre Dame coaching search said things were "heating up" with Cincinnati coach Brian Kelly, another coach has emerged. There is mutual interest between Notre Dame and Connecticut coach Randy Edsall, another source said Wednesday. Edsall is a solid defensive mind who showed great leadership on the Connecticut campus in the wake of the tragic death of player Jasper Howard. The Huskies also beat Notre Dame this season.

Yaawwnnnnnn. Who isn't Notre Dame looking to hire? If Randy Edsall does leave then I think that's the biggest mistake he could ever make it in his career. That Irish defense isn't bad. It's fucking terrible. It's like throwing a hot dog down a hallway. Anything can penetrate it. Just like........... And you can piss away any chance of the offense keeping them in games like they did this year because Clausen and Tate are leaving for greener pastures. You look back at the Notre Dame game and you wonder if that whole post-game interview where he cried and and pissed himself and praised the fans was pretty much his interview for the head coaching job. If so, which I believe it was, shame on him for taking advantage of an unfortunate situation. Edsall needs to ask himself if the juice is worth the squeeze. Regardless of what he decides, Randy Edsall is still a fucking jackass for being an awful tipper. Yeah, I know people.

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