Friday, December 18, 2009

The One Where The Situation Is At The Gym For 30 More Minutes Than You

A sad day, indeed. When did the boys of the Jersey become black guys from Harlem? The barber shop is where it comes out? The Situation better relax on his Ice Cubes movies. I hate to say it but last night was an epic let down. You can't hype the punch heard round the world for 3 weeks then not show it. It just really pissed me off. Fuck it. Let's jump right into this one.

-"Don't fall in love on the Jersey Shore." That seemed to be the moral of the story last night. It was repeated a solid 6 times.

-"I think his name was Ron." It was Russ.

-We had the epic showdown of pretty italian guys who just yell and play tough vs. frat guys who beat up chicks. I'm afraid to say exactly which side I prefer.

-"Shhh be quiet little tiny girl." - The situation

-Barb was a bomb that Pauly and the situation could not "decipher." That's not the right word.

-Having said that, The Situation and Pauly D might be the best 1-2 punch since Brady/Moss in 2007.

-"This is a sick hottub if it was hot. This is a sick tub." -Zinger from Barb AKA Busted chick aka cock block of the year.

-Speaking of the hot tub. That thing must be FILTHY. Whenever they show that thing it's littered with empty bottles and like 5 different bags of chips.

-Anyone else find it weird and uncomfortable that the situation and pauly d both brings girls back to the beds at the same time, 4 feet apart from each other.

-Snooki's mom hates her. That was obvious.

-Saw previews for a new show called The Buried Life. Is that another name for the way Vinny is living his Jersey Shore experience?

-How does that frat kid escape the bar without getting punched? Typical guido dudes, I guess. Run around with your big muscles, talk your shit and never back anything up.

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