Thursday, December 3, 2009

Jay Cutler Must Read The Blog

LAKE FOREST, Ill. -- Jay Cutler said there's no need for Brian Urlacher to apologize. He understands the linebacker's frustration, and if there's any ill will between the Chicago Bears' stars, the quarterback passed on confirming it. Sound familiar? After reports of a rift in the summer, their relationship again was fodder for discussion after Urlacher questioned the Bears' direction while wondering why they went from emphasizing the run to the pass during an interview with Yahoo! Sports over the weekend. Many viewed that as a shot at Cutler, the Pro Bowl quarterback whose arrival in an offseason trade with Denver ignited a surge of optimism in Chicago.

I'm actually kind of shocked. I fully expected Cutler to come out with some assbag comment about how his job is ten times harder than sitting on the sideline and being injured like Urlacher does every week. But doesn't he come off as some kind of pussy? If I'm the QB and I know I got my future tied up in millions for the next couple years then I'm gonna say something along the lines of give me something to throw the fucking ball to or keep your mouth shut. Instead he just curls up in the fetal position and takes his verbal beating from his critics. You think Cutler likes throwing the ball 40 times a game to a bunch of scrubs who he knows don't have a shot at catching the ball? If Urlacher wants them to run the ball more then I'm sure Cutler will have no problem with it. Maybe he'll only average 1 interception a game. That's not a joke either. He actually has 20 interceptions in 11 games. That's fucking shameful.

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