Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A book has been mailed back to an Ohio library after six decades, accompanied by an anonymous letter of remorse. The biography "Napoleon" by Emil Ludwig recently arrived at Toledo's main library, with a brief note that read: "I removed this book from your stacks in 1949 and did not check it out. I apologize. It's an excellent book and in good condition." The person who signed it "An ex-Toledoan" also wrote, "Carrying guilt for 60 years is a terrible thing." Library spokeswoman Rhonda Sewell says the package, with its Beverly Hills, Calif., postmark, came as a shock. She says the holiday season may have moved the sender to right a longtime wrong.

You gotta love Librarians. Is there anyone besides campus cops who take their job more seriously? Carrying guilt for 60 years is a terrible thing. Noted. It takes some balls to just snatch a book from a library without checking out. It's like sticking it to the man or something. Reminds of high school when you would take books and put it in an entirely different section just to say fuck you to the bitchy librarians. No gum in the library? I still don't understand that one but whatever.

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