Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wait. What?

1000 hits is great. I mean we call that a 3 day run over here but that's beside the point. People seriously like that blog? They're not offended in the slightest? I have a dirtier mouth than most but even I leave feeling like I have to shower whenever I read his tips. And why doesn't anybody tell me I'm great? I've been in the game for 2 years and my celebrity status hasn't gone up a tad then this kid jumps in the ring and suddenly he's the second coming of Wiz Khalifa. Just making dudes bow in his presence and bitches moist in the crotch region. I don't get it. Do I want some notoriety? You're motherfucking right. Need that shit like everybody else but here's what I really want. I want people to laugh as they see me coming and I want them to weep as I walk away. That's the dream.

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