Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Is This Dude Picking a Fight With Me Over iPod Content?

Kind of seems like he's trying to put baby in a corner and nobody puts baby in a corner. Is he better than me because he has 27,000 songs on his iPod? Like is that supposed to mean something?  Am I supposed to feel inferior to this clown now? Who the fuck has that much time to download that much music? And why would you want that? What if you wanna hear one song in particular? How long does it take to scroll through all those songs to find that one? And you know you're not gonna find it on the first try. All that scrolling makes the wheel a little slippery and sweaty and you probably hit the wrong song on accident. Not to mention you're most likely driving or walking while trying to do this, thus even more distracted. Now you're frustrated and the overall enjoyment of the song you intended to listen is diminished. So if trying to keep my life less cluttered and as stress free as possible makes me a lightweight then so be it. That means you're a heavyweight. Fatty.

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