Sunday, August 1, 2010

Tyreke Evans Caught Racing 130 mph

Rookie of the Year Tyreke Evans was caught racing a friend Memorial Day weekend in Sacramento. He was clocked at speeds approaching 130 mph in his purple Mercedes. Both Evans and his friend pled no contest to reckless driving. According to Fox Sports, Evans had his license suspended for 30 days, has three years of informal probation, 80 hours of alternative sentencing and he must participate in two different California Highway Patrol programs.

The first thing that came to my mind after reading about this was "of course he has a purple Mercedes." The second thing was "we should have a 'Ricky' of the week post every Sunday." If you are wondering what the hell "Ricky" means let me explain. "The Junkies" is a weekday morning radio talk show that uses the term "Ricky" to call someone a "dick" on the air since they can not say dick. The term's meaning has evolved over the years to simply make fun of each other for idiotic things that they do. They explain the meaning as...
"Ricky is actually a euphemism used sporadically in PG County some 20 years ago. It is the shortened version of Richard. While the obvious nickname would be Dick, Ricky serves as a witty device to go the long way and refer to someone as a 'dick'. In years past you might hear Lurch refer to another as 'Richard Cranium', that is translated to 'Dick Head'.

Usually pronounced "Riiiickay". Alluding to former Miami Dolphins football player Ricky Williams, this Junkism refers to any person who makes poor decisions, such as Williams who has been repeatedly suspended and fined for violating the NFL’s substance-abuse policy."
Tyreke Evans, it is with great honor that I present to you the inaugural "Ricky of the Week" award.

There is no word on whether he will be suspended but he definitely should be for such idiotic behavior. The video shows him swerving in-and-out of traffic which is really really dangerous and just childish. The video is 13 minutes long but you should at least watch the beginning and the end because he gets arrested at gun point by a cop on a motorcycle. Everyone knows motorcycle cops are bitches and Tyreke got put in his place by one. Evans acted like his 20-year-old self but is expected to act more mature as an NBA star and role model. And people wonder why the Latarian Miltons of the world act the way they do. Here is the police video of the event that was just released:

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