Thursday, February 4, 2010

Kobe Is All Banged Up. Like a Rape Victim.

Just when Kobe Bryant was starting to quiet his critics, who were calling for him to sit out and rest his fractured right index finger, his tender left ankle could be the injury that finally gets to him. "It was just hurting today," Bryant said Wednesday night after scoring a season-low five points on 2-for-12 shooting. "Tried to battle through it tonight. It was just stiff. Stiff and tight." Bryant, who was walking with a limp after the Lakers' 99-97 victory against the Bobcats and visibly wincing in pain during his postgame comments, said the ankle was bothering him before the game even started and its condition declined further when Lamar Odom landed on his left foot just before halftime. "It just made it worse," Bryant said. "It just set it back to square one."

Awww!! It couldn't have happened to a better guy, I suppose. I love reading Kobe quotes because you can feel the slime come off the screen. He wants to be MJ it's not even funny. Always gonna be in his shadow and then he throws in a gem like this. "Tried to battle through it tonight. It was just stiff. Stiff and tight." Is exactly what he said when he the police interviewed him after his afternoon rape in Colorado. The guy leaves nothing in the chamber.

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