Friday, February 5, 2010

Is This The Realest Dude On TV?

I know, I know, I know. Everyone thinks I'm sooooooo gay because I blog about reality shows like Jersey Shore, Teen Mom and The Real World. Well I have two words for you. Fuck you. Sorry I'm in touch with my sensitive side. Bitches eat that shit up. But that's another post for another day. We got this fly cat named Andrew on the Real World and I'm not just writing this because I've had like 3 people say he reminds them of me which is actually completely insulting. Yeah, he's funny but he's sexually awkward and he's a bit of a clown. There's been about 6 episodes and 4 of the main story lines are about him not being able to fuck a chick. But the thing that makes him the realest dude on TV is he's actually normal. He's not this fake character who comes on the show and bears their entire soul for the country because they know it'll get them face time. He's actually guarded like most normal people are around 6 complete strangers. Then he throws around quotes like this, "She thinks I've had heart to hearts with the guys. We talk about sex but that's as close as you're gonna get and that's how you build a brother hood." Don't blame the kid for telling it like it is. Then he took a page out of my book and said, "The problem with these people is they wear their life struggles as if it defines them as a person. But if you've been truly hurt you don't talk about that shit. You keep that inside." Boom. Story of my life.

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