Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Justice is Served

The Iraqi journalist who threw his shoes at President George W. Bush in Baghdad last year had a taste of his own medicine Tuesday when he nearly got beaned by a shoe thrower at a news conference in Paris. Muntadhar al-Zeidi ducked and the shoe hit the wall behind him. "He stole my technique," al-Zeidi later quipped. The identity of the new shoe-thrower -- and his motivation -- weren't immediately clear, but he appeared to be an Iraqi. It was not known if the intruder was a journalist or just pretended to be one to attend the news conference at a center for foreign reporters. Whatever his motive, the confrontation didn't stop there. Al-Zeidi's brother, Maithan, chased the attacker in the audience and -- what else? -- pelted him with a shoe as he left the room.

Only in the city of lights, right? You gotta love it. You know dubya read this report and chuckled to himself then chocked on another pretzel. This has to be a good thing right? Kind of like assurance that people over there have our back or something. I just hope this is the new style of fighting because I think we'll be out of Iraq by next week if that's the case. I actually support this. Next time Donahue pulls a chair out from me, I'm not throwing haymakers in his direction. Instead, I'll simply bend down to remove my sneakers and do my best Roger Clemens impression.

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