Thursday, March 10, 2011

Who Is The Asshole That Asked Tiger Why He Isn't In More Tournaments?

DORAL, Fla. -- Tiger Woods is hitting some of his best shots when no one is watching. That's typically the case when Woods tries to build a new golf swing, and his third major swing change is no exception. Put him on the practice range at home in Isleworth and he says he goes through long stretches of hitting the ball how he wants. Put him inside the ropes, with a scorecard in hand and TV cameras in the towers, and he has stretches of looking ordinary. But there is one big difference this time around. Woods isn't playing very much. When he tees it up Thursday in the Cadillac Championship at Doral, it will be only his 10th competitive round of the year, an unusually low number with the Masters around the corner. Woods talks about needing more competition, and most would agree that would speed along the process of revamping his swing. It also leads to a natural question. Why not play more tournaments? "Because I have a family. I'm divorced," Woods replied solemnly. "If you've been divorced with kids, then you would understand."

You think the reporter hung his head in shame after Tiger answered him? It's like if you know somebody's mom died and you accidentally make a "your mom" joke because you weren't thinking. All you can do is walk away, kicking yourself for being such an inconsiderate asshole.  Obviously it wasn't on purpose but it doesn't matter. Once the words are out there, they stay out there. Having said that, I can see this reporter trying to bust Tiger's balls by asking him why he hasn't played as much this year with his game in shambles and then Tiger totally staring him down and giving him the business. Probably gave him attitude like, "Oh, why haven't I played as much? I have a family, bro. I'm divorced. Ever been divorced? Ever cry yourself to sleep at night for 3 straight weeks? Ever put a gun to your head and risk blowing it all away? No? Go fuck yourself. That's why I haven't been playing much this season."

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