Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Charlie Sheen Has Over 1 million Followers and He Joined Twitter 24 Hours Ago. Winning!

I really thought I would be sick of Chuck Sheen by now and annoyed with his media blitz but I'm not. It's phenomenal television. I find myself wanting to turn the channelwhen he's on but I can't because I want to see what his tiger blood ass has to say. The only other thing that scares me about it is I see this ending very, very bad. I get that sort of feeling from dudes who make me slimy after listening to them talk and I know a few. I won't name names but their last names kinda sound like stromboli and bonnaroo. Anyway. I hope I'm wrong but my instincts are top notch so I doubt it. Like I saw James Franco sleeping through the Oscars the day it was announced he was hosting. Didn't see Perkins getting traded, though. Or 9/11. So maybe Charlie Sheen lives a long and happy life with his goddesses and proves me wrong or maybe he suffers from a massive heart attack in the near future that makes him change his entire life. I'd bet my cat's asshole the latter happens

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