Sunday, February 7, 2010

I'm Gonna Win You All A Shit Load Of Bills Tonight

I'm not usually a betting man but today I am. This is why the Super Bowl is awesome. You can pretty much throw down money on anything that is going to happen. It's like every second, every play counts and a wise man once told me that's how you should live every damn day of your life. So here it goes.

-Both Dallas Clark and Reggie Wayne are 7/1 odds to score the first TD and Reggie Bush is at 8/1. Well I say go Devery Henderson at 12/1. New Orleans is coming out loud and proud tonight and setting the tone in a big way. It's like they're saying the Colts won't beat them at their own game.

-First Quarter spread is Indy -.05. Take New Orleans to cover it. They'll be up by at least 3 points.

-How many times will Archie Manning be shown on TV? Over/Under is 4.5. Gotta go with at least 5 times on that one.

-31/20 odds on If The Saints win then Bush and Kardashian be married by july 10, 2010. Love it. Take it.

-9/5 odds that the super bowl mvp thanks God first. If The Saints win then absolutely take it but if the colts I can see Peyton thanking his teammates at 21/20.

- Over/Under is 2.5 on how many times Jim Nantz and Simms mention Hurricane Katrina. Take the under. Obviously it's getting 1 but no more than 2. Got a good feeling on that and every bookie from the movies always says to go with your gut.

-Now the big one. Colts are 5 points favorites? I'd bet my unborn child that Saints cover the spread and then some. Drake always said a sprained ankle aint nothin' to play with so I think that'll be the story of the game. Drew Brees is the kind of passer you gotta get pressure on he'll pick you apart. On top of that, I think New Orleans has a better offense. And even more important I fucking hate the whole Manning family and if Peyton has the same super bowl mvp trophies as Tom Brady then I'll choke a bitch.

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