Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Italian Mayor Sets Guidelines For Jersey Shore Cast

jersey shore italy mayor florence drinking rules snooki situation
According to the New York Post, the mayor of Florence, Italy is setting guidelines for when the Jersey Shore comes to Italy on May 9:
"I will not allow them to use the Palazzo Vecchio or other historic buildings," Florence Mayor Matteo Renzi told the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera yesterday, "but I cannot ban them from using our city as a set."

According to news reports, Mayor Renzi required producers to agree to a number of party-pooping rules if they want to film in the city of Michelangelo and Dante:

* No shooting in bars, clubs or any place that promotes the reckless consumption of alcohol.

* The cast is prohibited from drinking in public on camera.

* Florence may not be portrayed as a drinking town.

* And the cast must interact with authentic Italian people in authentic cultural settings -- thus avoiding the city's hordes of tourists and students.
Wait, what? So basically Jersey Shore in Italy is going to be like if MTV created a reality show about Jimmer Fredette 's life. A month ago I posted about how Italians were saying they didn't want the Jersey Shore in their country and were trying to rationalize the 9/11 attacks because of it. After this newest development I hope MTV purposely breaks every single one of these "rules". The mayor of Florence has about as much pull as the manager of a Starbucks. What the hell is he going to do if (alright, when) Snooki barfs in a gondola or the Colosseum? The answer is nothing. He will be sitting back enjoying the extra money the Jersey Shore will be pumping into his economy and like it. Yeah, I get it, neither of those is in Florence but somehow Snooki and Deena got a taxi ride to NYC last season so I wouldn't bet against this happening.

jersey shore italy mayor florence drinking rules snooki situation
Okay, about that "no shooting in a bar that serves alcohol" business. Maybe this Richard needs to be reminded that there is no legal drinking age in Italy and you only have to be 16 to buy alcohol. I think he should be worrying about 12-year-olds blacking out on one Peroni rather than some people who are almost 30 bringing more interest to his country. Actually, he should be trying to find these girls and helping them create more videos so that he can use them to help his point:

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