Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Edward Reid Wows "Britain's Got Talent" with Nursery Rhyme Audition

edward reid britains got talent susan boyle nursery rhyme
Two years ago this month we all saw Susan Boyle's "Britain's Got Talent" first round debut go viral. Today, we just might see the same thing with Edward Reid. He performed on the same stage as Boyle but instead of a Les Misérables rendition, Reid performed a mash-up of nursery rhymes and it did not disappoint.

Edward Reid needs to contact Girl Talk ASAP and get a deal done. A lot of people are saying Edward Reid is similar to Susan Boyle in that no one expected them to be great singers from the looks of them. I agree with that for Susan Boyle, she looks like she's better suited to enter Richard Simmons look-a-like contests, but Edward Reid didn't surprise me that he could belt it out. He looks like a gay Michael Bublé who needs braces. And Michael Buble can sing his little Canadian heart out. I've gotta give Edward Reid mad props for doing a nursery rhyme mash-up though and just absolutely killing it. He knew he could sing so he just went with something completely different and owned it.

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