Sunday, April 17, 2011

Jon Gruden QB Camp with Cam Newton

Jon Gruden (is it weird that I know he spells his name without the "h"? Nope!) does this segment on SportsCenter called "QB Camp" where he sits down with guys that are going to get drafted and asks them questions, goes over tape, then throws with them. Most guys show some sort of competency, but not Cam Newton. Not Cam Newton. I'm pretty sure he actually TRIED to sound like a 6th grade kid playing ankle biters because there's no way someone is this dumb.

Before we get into the video, something funny happened while googling/wikipedia-ing Jon Gruden. I have the google search bar in my internet browser and it's set to automatically go to the "I'm felling lucky" search result. I typed "Jon Gurden Wiki" (mixing the "u" and "r") and what I got was this. You're welcome for that laugh out loud you just did.

When Jon Gruden starts talking about verbage and how Cam is going to have to know a much bigger playbook then spits out "Flip right double X jet 36 counter naked waglet 7 X quarter" Cam was so confused. Wait, Cam, "anything recollection to that?" Bueller? Bueller? "Um. Oh man, you putting me on the, on the, on the spot." Okay, King George VI. "Our method is simplistic = fast. It's so simple as far as you know you look to the sideline and you see just '36' on the board and that's a play and we're off." First off, you can't even remember one play call when "put on the spot" (in an air conditioned room) and you expect a team to take you first overall and give you over $50 million guaranteed? That would be like if someone started paying me for what I do best (drinking) and when asked what an Irish Car Bomb was I couldn't list the ingredients. Plain infantile.

Second, what he just revealed is that Auburn football is like color by numbers. To be fair, every NFL team does just have a board on the sideline where they put up a number for each play and that's all you have to know. No changes at the line, no reading defenses, you just go with what the coach calls and that's that. And if Cam isn't faster than NFL linebackers oh well, the play will still work because it's on the board and Cam is running it.

And then the part after that about him being a gun and people's criticism is the ammunition. Gruden clearly wanted to say something like "You're an idiot" but bit his tongue and just went with "Mmhmm. Wanna go throw a few?".

Seriously, this guy is gonna go 1st overall? Whoever picks him is going to make the Chargers' pick of Ryan Leaf pick look genius. Here's to hoping he "falls" and the Foreskins pick him at 10!

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