Thursday, April 28, 2011

Betting on The Royal Wedding

royal wedding prince william kate middleton london betting
Everyone knows The Royal Wedding between Prince William and Kate Middleton starts in about 3 hours so what a better way to celebrate royalty than to bet on it. Over at Bodog there are 15 different things you can bet on relating to The Royal Wedding and here are my picks for all of them:

royal wedding prince william kate middleton london bettingroyal wedding prince william kate middleton london bettingroyal wedding prince william kate middleton london bettingroyal wedding prince william kate middleton london betting

1. What Color Hat will the Queen wear at the Wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton? Yellow

2. Will Prince William and Kate Middleton's first child be a boy or a girl? Boy

3. Will Prince William and Kate Middleton's first pregnancy result in twins? No

4. Which couple will have a child first? Prince William and Kate Middleton

5. When will Prince William and Kate Middleton's first have a child? Before January 1st 2013

6. Which of these guests will be seen crying during the ceremony? Carole Middleton (Mother of Kate), Michael Middleton (Father of Kate)

7. What will be the total estimated Worldwide TV viewers of the wedding? Over 1.75 Billion

8. Will the Wedding Car break down on the way to Westminster Abbey? No

9. Will Prince Harry (Best Man) drop the Wedding Ring during the Ceremony? No

10. What will be the color of the first bikini shot on Honeymoon worn by Kate Middleton? Red

11. Will Kate Middleton get the order of Prince William's names wrong during the vows? No

12. Will an objection be raised to the marriage during the vows? No

13. Will Prince Harry Forget the Wedding Rings? No, but hopefully on this one and #12 because you can put down $10 to win $102,000 if both those happen

14. Will Kate Middleton jilt Prince William at the Alter? No, but if I parlayed $10 on #12, 13 and 14 happening and they all happened I would win $51,107,000.00. Now that I think about it that sounds like a no-brainer bet. $10 to win $51 million?!?

15. How long will Prince William and Kate Middleton's first kiss be after they tie the knot? 3.01-6 seconds

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