Thursday, April 21, 2011

Keenan Cahill Covers Taio Cruz's "Dynamite" with Brian Wilson & Cody Ross

brian wilson keenan cahill dynamite cody ross taio cruz san francisco giants
If you pay any attention to the intertubes then you know who Keenan Cahill is. He's that 16 year old kid that looks like he's 8 because he has dwarf syndrome and lip syncs to popular songs. His most famous lip sync cover was of Katy Perry's "Teenage Dream" which has over 37 million views. Well on Tuesday he posted a new video and it might be, nay, IS the best one yet. It is a cover of Taio Cruz's "Dynamite" and features San Francisco Giant players Brian Wilson and Cody Ross. I wish whoever thought of the idea to bring Keenan Cahill together with Brian Wilson and Cody Ross had thought of it sooner because it's pure gold.

0:29 = pure awesome. Brian Wilson is the coolest person in baseball and that's not even up for debate. If you wanted to debate it I'd bring up his World Series ring, his ridiculously awesome beard, the fact that he's a certified ninja, or pretty much anything else he says because it's all perfect. On May 25th the Giants are holding a promotion featuring Brian Wilson, Cody Ross and Keenan Cahill and "proceeds from ticket sales will help benefit causes dear to both Cody & Keenan".

Below is the video of when Brian Wilson was on Rome is Burning in September. Anyone who chugs a Red Bull before they need to do something is someone I can party with.

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