Friday, April 22, 2011

Washington Capitals History Will Be Made Video

Washington Capitals coach Bruce Boudreau talked about how Madison Square Garden is shitty and not that loud on the radio on Monday. He said:
“Well, the one thing, its reputation is far better than the actual building,” the coach said. “I mean, it’s nothing. The locker rooms are horrible. The benches are horrible. There’s no room for anything. But the reputation of being in Madison Square Garden is what makes it famous. Also, our building’s a lot louder, too. So I mean, they can say what they want, but it’s not that loud in there.”
You may have noticed that the Caps quickly went down 3-0 to the Rangers in the 2nd period on Wednesday and the crowd started a "Can you hear us" chant but in the 3rd period the Capitals pulled off the greatest comeback since Lazarus to tie it and send it into OT. What follows is my favorite YouTube video of all-time. Of...All...Time!

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