Friday, April 29, 2011

Atlanta Braves Pitching Coach's Actions Lead To Best News Conference Of All-Time

Let me first give you some back-story and set the scene. On Saturday the Atlanta Braves played the San Francisco Giants at AT&T Park. During batting practice, Atlanta pitching coach Roger McDowell started making fun of 3 guys in the stands. No doubt those 3 guys were probably Patrick Schwasted and started heckling McDowell first. That's when things got fun:
Justin Quinn, 33, of Fresno said he was in the stands at AT&T Park in San Francisco during pregame batting practice with his wife and 9-year-old twin daughters when he noticed McDowell hectoring three men and asking them, "Are you guys a homo couple or a threesome?"

Quinn said McDowell proceeded to make crude sexual gestures with his hips and a bat.

Quinn, who was down in front of the field, then shouted, "Hey, there are kids out here," he said during a news conference at the Los Angeles office of noted attorney Gloria Allred.

Quinn alleged that the coach replied that kids don't belong at a baseball park, picked up a bat, walked up to Quinn and asked him, "How much are your teeth worth?"
Alright, that's the back-story. Now on to the best/most awkward news conference of all-time. Of.All.Time! Justin Quinn decided to hire high profile attorney Gloria Allred and they had this news conference at her office in Los Angeles:

I've watched this video about 10 times already and it gets funnier each time. Isn't it worse to bring your 9-year-old daughters to this news conference and hear an old lady saying exactly what the Braves coach said and then demoing sex with a baseball bat and their father? They are 9-year-old girls, it's a lock they were complaining about who got to sit in what seat and didn't hear all the vulgar shit that Roger McDowell said but now they certainly know. Plus their teenage years are already ruined because you know this video will surface again.

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