Monday, April 25, 2011

NFL Lockout Over

nfl lockout ended over judge ruling
Well, temporarily at least. Today a judge ruled in favor of the players and ended the lockout but things are far from over. ESPN says:
U.S. District Judge Susan Richard Nelson ordered an immediate end to the lockout Monday, siding with the players in their bitter fight with the owners over how to divide the $9 billion business.

The fate of the 2011 season remained in limbo: The NFL responded by filing a notice of appeal questioning whether Nelson exceeded her jurisdiction, seeking relief from the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in St. Louis. Hours later, the league filed a motion for an expedited stay, meaning it wants Nelson to freeze her ruling to let the appeals process play out.

What will happen in the next few days is murky, too.

Players may very well show up at team facilities on Tuesday and it appears they'll be allowed to enter the building, if they so choose.

The players' organization -- now a trade association and not a union -- emailed players late Monday night, advising them they are legally entitled to show up at team facilities Tuesday and that teams are not allowed to block their access.

The judge's ruling to end the lockout means that teams can sign and trade players until the NFL owners appeal is granted. I.e. the Foreskins can decline McNabb's option, sign Vincent Jackson and then the Vikings can sign McNabb. This is very significant as the draft starts on Thursday. While the NFL was in lockout they could only trade draft picks and not players. Most teams, if any, will not sign any one anyways. The owners will definitely get that appeal in and the lockout will probably resume soon but there is no doubt in my mind, and there never has been any, that there will be a season but this is how I am feeling right now:

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