Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Man Falls 5 Stories Through Skylight During Boston Marathon

"Police are trying to figure out exactly how this could have happened"?!? Is the police department composed of a ton of Bud Seligs' who hear what likely happened but just choose to pass over it? Let's deal with the facts: he was visiting his friends who were watching the Boston Marathon, neighbors said they were drinking. Damn it, the neighbors beat me to it! College students going on a roof and having a reason to get hammered at 10am...was this unexpected? If I got paid a penny every time I went blacked-out on a roof I would be a millionaire. I'm not sure how this happened and yes, it is terrible, but stop being retahded drinking on the umpteenth level of an apartment at noon-ish. Also, is it "amazing" that he survived this fall? We all know that alcohol gives people super human abilities.

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