Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Air Traffic Controller Watches Samuel L. Jackson Film

We all know that air traffic controllers have been falling asleep recently but when this new report about one controller who got bored and decided to watch a Samuel L. Jackson movie I couldn't believe the news. Honestly, who decides that watching a Samuel L. Jackson movie is better than taking a nap or watching planes land. The Guardian says:
Airline pilots flying over Ohio en route to New York, Los Angeles and beyond are accustomed to listening to the background chatter of air traffic controllers ensuring their safety as they cross the American heartlands. But in the early hours of Sunday morning they were surprised to hear dialogue of a different kind: the actors Samuel L Jackson and Ed Harris berating each other in the movie Cleaner.

For more than three minutes, pilots in the Ohio region flying at more than 17,000 feet were only able to hear the soundtrack of the thriller. Unable to communicate with the regional radar centre controlling their flight, they had to listen in to Jackson playing a former police officer working as a crime-scene cleaner.

On the ground, the air traffic controller on duty on the night shift at Oberlin, Ohio, had decided to take a break from the stresses of the job and catch a movie. Inadvertently, whoever it was had set the controller's microphone to transmit, blocking incoming calls and broadcasting the film instead. The mistake was only rectified when an airforce pilot managed to get through to the controller on the dedicated military channel.
Once I verified that no one got hurt because of this I can say that this story is hilarious. I actually did no research for that. The real problem here is that he decided to watch a Samuel L. Jackson movie and we should focus more on that part.

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