Monday, April 25, 2011

Nicki Minaj Gave Steve Nash a Lap Dance

You may recall that Steve Nash's wife got knocked up by one of his teammates and they recently got a divorce. Also, his team didn't make the playoffs. That means he is free to party his dick off and it looks like he is. Last week Nicki Minaj tweeted about how she was in Phoenix and then Steve Nash tweeted "I think I just got a lapdance from @nickiminaj ?". Derrick Williams (the ridiculous basketball player from University of Arizona who is expected to be drafted in the top 3) tweeted a picture of him and Steve Nash at the concert and then someone posted this video of the lap dance.

How uncomfortable does Steve Nash look? He's got a ridiculously hot/famous/rich girl in her 20s with an ass bigger than Kim Kardashian's giving him a lap dance and he looks like he's one of those girls who goes to a male strip club the night before her wedding and gets forced to do shit by her friends.

steve nash nicki minaj lap dance lapdance
steve nash nicki minaj lap dance lapdance

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