Saturday, April 16, 2011

We're 2-10. Carl Crawford is Batting .0000000000000005. I Quit.

There comes a time when you have to stop making excuses, pull yourself by your boot straps and just call a spade, a spade. This team fucking blows. It's not a funk, it's not a slump, it's not a simple god awful start that we're gonna magically pull ourselves out of go on a 13 game winning streak. They're a bad baseball team. Sure, we have all the talent in the world but it doesn't mean shit at the end of the day. You know who else had a fuck load of potential? River Phoenix, the bay of pigs invasion, Jake Gill's soccer career, and the 2011 Boston Red Sox. One of those was an epic failure and 2 of them may be dead.

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