Friday, April 15, 2011

Red Sox Sign Adrian Gonzalez for 7 years-$154 million

That headline should read: Red Sox Suck and They Love to Waste Money.

Well thats not true cause Gonzo is without a doubt a top-5 first baseman but I just hate the Red Sox right now. Both Billy Blog and I are die-hard Sawx fans and right now we are dying hard. After what might be the best offseason ever, the Sox are looking as bad as Lindsay Lohan's chances of staying out of jail. They can't hit when their pitching does well and they can't pitch when they're hitting does well. Basically they suck and I won't be surprised at all if they finish 13-149.

boston red sox Adrian Gonzalez contract 154 7 years sign losing
Anyways, the Sox signed Gonzo to a 7 year, 154 million dollar contract. Gonzalez receives a $6 million signing bonus, $21 million per year from 2012-16 and $21.5 million per year in 2017 and 2018.The contract also possess a partial no-trade clause. Hopefully this will inspire the Sox to quit sucking dick and start winning some games.

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