Sunday, April 17, 2011

Rory Is Having The Worst Week Ever

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia -- In yet another showcase of golf's future, Italian teenager Matteo ManasseroRory McIlroy. Manassero, two days before his 18th birthday, began the back nine by holing his approach for eagle on the par-5 10th and making a birdie on the next hole to surge into the lead. He closed with a 4-under 68 for a one-shot victory over Gregory Bourdy of France. McIlroy did everything except win in his first tournament after a Masters collapse. The 21-year-old from Northern Ireland, who lost a four-shot lead last week at Augusta National and shot 80 in the final round, needed a birdie on the final hole to force a playoff with Manassero. The putt never had a chance, and McIlroy wound up three-putting for a bogey that gave him a 69 and third place alone. won the Malaysian Open on Sunday to capture his second European Tour title and upstage a remarkable recovery by

Nothing and I mean nothing quite grinds my gears like losing in a game to a younger dude. It'll drive me nuts for a fucking week. I don't know how Rory is dealing with himself anymore. A week ago he had the entire golf world talking about what a young and promising talent he is only to blow the final round out of his ass at Augusta and then today he gets womped on the back 9 by a dude in high school. Not a 30 year old veteran. A 17 year old kid who probably can't even grow pubic hair. I fucking hate 17 year old kids. They all think they're on top of the world because they're seniors in high school when in reality they're about 4 months from getting dick slapped by a girl called the real world and oh by the way, she's a real bitch. It's just a total shot at your ego when you get beat by a little runt who still rides the school bus. I don't care if it's a round of TWoods on the xbox 360 or a friendly game of land mines. Every win and loss is personal.

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