Monday, April 18, 2011

Whoa, Whoa, Whoa!

This post really needs to be broken down into two parts but I'm lazy and the Sox have 2 on with no outs and Gonzo is up to bat so I'm not focused 100% right now. Anyways, in a relationship?!?! Tips4Tits is in a relationship? But I thought all girls were sluts(episode 9)? So I guess the only question left to ask is what kind of girl she is? An outright slut, a tease, or the slut who just got out of a relationship? That's how he has to introduce her to the family, right? Gotta practice what you preach. "Hey mom, this is steph. She's an outright slut. Don't worry, I know how you hate those teases!" Now I'm gonna totally switch gears and focus on this Chad Cooper character. Just a total definition of a winner. All he wants to do is play a little lax and smoke a gram or 2 while he's in CT. Is that how kids buy weed these days? Casually throw it up on the facebook wall like it's no big deal? I miss the days when it was a process. Go into the locker room bathroom and pass it over the stall like we were in Folsom Prison or something.

P.S. I did a little facebook stalking of Chad Cooper and found out his employer is the NHL and his job is simply being a defender. I'm not gonna add any more commentary to that.

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