Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Best Move The NHL Has Ever Made

VANCOUVER, British Columbia -- Colin Campbell has dropped his duties as the NHL's chief disciplinarian. The veteran executive has relinquished a key component of his job just before the start of the Stanley Cup Finals involving his son Gregory, a member of the Boston Bruins. NHL commissioner Gary Bettman has confirmed the news Wednesday ahead of Game 1 of the finals between Boston and Vancouver. Bettman says Brendan Shanahan will take over the job. Shanahan will also oversee a committee on player safety. Campbell had already been excused from making any rulings during the series, just as he was any time the Bruins were involved in a decision by the league.

 I'm not sure there's a cooler dude than Brendan Shanahan. Just a class first guy off the ice and a bad ass motherfucker on it. Doesn't he lead the NHL in Gordie Howe Hat Tricks or something? For you non hockey fans, that means he's scored, assisted and fought in the same game more times than anyone. My kind of guy. This is also great news for Sean Avery because Campbell was always up his ass and I'm pretty sure Shanny and Avery still have good times on the reg.

P.S. Shanny is a former Hartford Whaler. Always remember that.

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