Monday, April 4, 2011

Mike Vrabel Arrested for Theft

Apparently the NFL Lockout is hitting a lot harder than we thought. Chiefs LB Mike Vrabel, who won three Super Bowls with the Patriots and is most famous for his 11 catches all for TD's, was arrested at a casino in Indiana early Monday morning.

mike vrabel arrested theft casino lockout
First of all who the fuck goes to casinos in Indiana? There is no way there are hot hookers wanting to do coke with me in Indiana and lets be honest, that's the only reason I go to casinos.

Second of all you cannot tell me this fucker is so poor already that he has to steal stuff. How dumb are these athletes that they can't even save SOME money to make it a month after their paychecks stop coming. All these players are going to be eating bread and water for a year before Daddy Jerry Jones comes back to stroke their 7-figure paychecks.

Wanna know how much I make writing this? 0 dollars. But you don't see me going around stealing from casinos! Just that little nerd whose lunch money I take every Wednesday.

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