Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Kobe Hates Gays!

After receiving a technical foul during Tuesday's game, Los Angeles Lakers star Kobe Bryant stormed back to the bench and appeared to direct a homophobic slur toward referee Bennie Adams. Bryant's reaction was caught on camera on TNT's national telecast of the key Western Conference battle with the San Antonio Spurs. He hit his seat before sitting down, threw a towel and then yelled, "Bennie," toward the court. Bryant then leaned back and muttered what appeared to be a gay slur.  TNT announcer Steve Kerr picked up on Bryant's outburst and said: "You might wanna take the cameras off of him right now, for the children watching from home."

So let's go over the checklist for a second. Kobe Bryant rapes females and now he's a homophobe? I heard he also refused to donate any cash to the Japan Relief fund. He's a certified monster. What more do we have to see in order to lock this guy up? I've seen Criminal Minds. I know he's about one bad day from snapping and going on a killing spree.  But in all seriousness, what's the big deal? He whispered "fucking fag" to himself and I don't really see why everyone is getting so bent out of shape over it. I mean obviously the special interest groups for the gays are gonna come out of the closet and start calling for Kobe's head but I have no problem with it. He called a straight guy, a fag. Now you can't say that to a gay dude because they're all sensitive and shit with their skirts on but I don't see any harm in yelling faggot at a straight guy. You are what you are.

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