Monday, June 1, 2009

I want to hang out with this guy

Florida Gators starting cornerback Janoris Jenkins was arrested over the weekend and charged with fighting and resisting arrest without violence, police in Gainesville, Fla., confirmed. Police used a Taser on Jenkins, who punched someone in the head after being told not to. The incident occurred at closing time near a bar in downtown Gainesville. Jenkins was named to the Freshman All-SEC team last year and become the second true freshman in school history to start at cornerback on opening day.

That's what I'm fucking talking about. What a badass. And you know the cop said, "Janoris...Janoris just calm down. You won't punch that man in the head. You won't do it." Boom, fucking tazed bitchhhhhh. Urban Meyer is about to give him the Tim Tebow treatment, AKA bend over and like it. You know those two are porking each other every night. Raw doggin it I bet too. Here's to Tebow being the first gay man to win the Heisman. If he wins one more, he has to come out of the closet. That's the rule.

In other news, Kiss Lebron Goodbye Cleveland. I think Bron-Bron is going to be the first athlete with his own reality show. He'll be the bachelor for NBA Owners. I bet Kevin McHale takes his shirt off on the first episode. Danny Ferry puts out too. Shit gets crazyyyyyy. 2010, Lebron wins MVP for the New York Knickerbockers BITCH.

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