Sunday, June 21, 2009

Seo Contest Show Blogger Credibility

Seo contest is like a book of evaluation report for student. The Student who got the best value,they got the best rank.

In case of seo contest, which page or web show up in front of the result page of search engine for specific keyword so the owner of that site is the winner.

At the present, blogger indonesia made suprised by seo contest that was held by Joko Susilo. Joko Susilo offer the great value for the winner. With total prize $2500 for keyword Stop Dreaming Start Action.More information about this contest you can read at

Are you blogger?Want to try?Beside Stop Dreaming Start Action, other seo contest is Rusli Zainal Sang Visioner that was held by Seo Bertuah.And tukang nggame.

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