Wednesday, June 24, 2009

To Be a Great Is To do

Be great, in any case, really difficult things. especially for them, people who have mental dwarf, wishy washy in life. Doubt in stride, hesitant to take decisions.

Believe we can be great, just we often lose before the battle . Always in the mindset we say that "can not "," too high"," too Utopis" why?

Indeed, this is purely a problem of thinking that we believe. be great in any sense, not a matter of justice Allah claim, but a matter of determining our own destiny. Allah has asserted that destiny can be changed if we want to change.

That the gods will not change the fate of a nation before the change of their own fate. This means that the changes we do pure is change our own life history. Thus, Take A step to change your destiny.Move, so that the creator of the highway and natural move your life.

Belive :A big journey always comes from small steps.

If you was decide to be a blogger. Learning everything about blogging. Dont thinks about result from the begin. But think how to be expert in blogging. Soonly you will have a popularity, derive money comes to you. You just need to be focus. Constan and never give up.

We can take a name like cosaaranda the master seo of indonesia, Joko susilo the best seller ebook from indonesia. they not automaticly be a great but pass  a big journey and start with small steps.

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