Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Sean Avery Is Back In The News. So I Guess I'll Post.

Hilary Rhoda isn't just a football fan -- she's also a hockey fan. Having dated new Jet QB Marc Sanchez (after posing with him in GQ and helping him celebrate his $50 million contract), the curvy brunette looked very cozy with Ranger Sean Avery last night at Brother Jimmy's in Murray Hill. "They were doing shots of Jack Daniels and Patron, and she had her hands on his arm as they canoodled at the corner of the bar," said our spy. "Sanchez was nowhere to be found."

Well played, Mr. Avery. It's clearly obvious that our man has been involved in this sort of love triangle before. You don't just take out any beautiful bitch. You wait until she's in GQ posing with the new gay QB for the Jets then you wine and dine her like it's your last night in Vegas and you don't wanna go home without any scars. And Patron will leave you bruised. Trust me. Listen, Sanchez. You clearly got played here bro. Just consider yourself lucky that you lost your girl to a real soldier like Sean Avery rather than some high school kid who think he's hot shit because he was all-state as a junior.Whatever. You got a tiny dick and everyone knows it. I'm not bitter. Anyway. I don't wanna hear any sloppy seconds jokes either on this one. No way Mark Sanchez hit that broad.

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