Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Dice-K. You Suck.

Is there a chance Matsuzka will go to the bullpen? Francona sounded as if he didn't consider it a feasible option for a number of reasons. "My first thought was that if we tell him that we're putting him in long relief that's probably not going to build his confidence a whole lot," Francona said. "You know, there's a lot of things to think about. When you put a guy in the bullpen, who comes out of the bullpen? When you send a guy to the bullpen, how does he react to the bullpen? "Also, Daisuke is typically our guy who takes the longest to warm up . . . he goes out there a good 45-50 minutes before the game and throws a lot, so is that going to work? If you put a guy in the bullpen and he hasn't pitched a lot in three weeks and you need a starter is he capable of throwing a lot of pitches? I think there's a lot of things to look at. We can't just get caught up in what the fans and [media] are caught up in because we'll make some poor decisions.

Before I get called a racist or whatever I just wanna throw out that there is nothing I have against Dice-K besides the fact that he's terrible. I can't rememer a more frustrating player to watch. He'll get you going for 4-5 innings then he'll let you down like a cute chick who had a slutty side and that's just the fucking pits. I would know from experience dude. You're not so sure but then everything starts going really good and you start to build a trust and you think, "oh, hey, ok, alright, here we go, this is where we turn it around." and then BLAM she's blowing your best friend under the bleachers and Dice-K just walked his 6th batter then gave up a double and the score is now 5-2. And where are you? Sitting on your couch with a box of tissues after you just got through raising hell on your well with haymakers. The moral of the story is fuck Dice-K. I'm not saying to put him in the bullpen. I don't really care for his feelings. He's not a 12 year old kid who is in a 3 week slump with a confidence issue. He's a 28 year old pitcher who is overrated and the only reason he is in the starting rotation is because we've invested too much money in him. I say just trade the poor guy to a national league team. We got too many pitchers anyway. Package him with Brad Penny or Masterson or Bucholz and bring us a shortstop not named Lugo, Lowrie or Green with a big bat. Maybe even an outfielder incase Papi decides to take another 3 months off again.

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