Monday, June 22, 2009

Search Engine not index my blog?

Why search engine is not index my blog? May be this question was show up on new blogger when the first time we make a blog. After a fiew day or maybe a week, google still does not index our blog.

What should we do? To indexing our blog, we sould try to introduce our blog to search engine. Just like what we do when to make a relation with someone. We should give a description about our self.

How to submit our blog to search engine? We can start submit to most favorites search engine like yahoo, google and msn. Click link bellow for url blog submission :

1.) Add URL to Google: Google
2.) Submit Site to Yahoo: Yahoo Submit
3.) MSN Search Engine Submission: The MSN Network
4.) Submit to's Engine:
5.) The Directory: The DMOZ
6.) Submit to Accoona: Accoona
7.) Search Engine #7: ExactSeek
8.) ScrubTheWeb's Search Engine: ScrubTheWeb
9.) The Buzzle Engine: Buzzle
10.) Submit site to Snap @: Snap
11.) Hand Submit to SearchSight: SearchSight
12.) The EntireWeb Search Engine: EntireWeb
13.) The SearchIt Search Engine: SearchIt
14.) What U Seek's Search Engine: WhatUSeek
15.) 260 Add'l Engines:

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